Freedom of Religion Roundtable
We are citizens, clergy, public servants, elected officials, educators,
entrepreneurs & business leaders, parents, children, brothers and sisters, working together
to protect the rights of all Americans, to think, speak, gather and worship.
Upcoming Events
Past Events
3rd Annual
Freedom of Religion Roundtable
April 18, 2024 Kennesaw GA

Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Paul Murray
Vice President, Religious Freedom Initiatives
Global Peace Foundation
Senior Pastor, The Lighthouse Church
M. Div., Pastoral Counseling, Liberty Theological Seminary
Doctor of Ministry, Howard University
Panel Moderator:
Hannah Clayson Smith
Associate Director, International Center for Law and Religion Studies at BYU Law School
National Coordinator, Religious Freedom Alliance Council
Board of Directors, Religious Freedom Institute
2-Time Supreme Court Clerk (Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito)
Former Senior Counsel, Becket Fund for Religious Libery

Reverend John H. Vaughn, D.Min
Executive Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church
Kemal Korucu
Southeast Islamic Community Center, Former Board President, Atlantic Institute, Former VP & Interfaith Dialogue Coordinator

Barry Loudermilk
US Congressman (11th District)
David Wilkerson
Georgia State Representative District 38
Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner
Temple Beth Tikvah
4680 Hadaway Road NW, Kennesaw, GA 30152
Program: 6-8PM

2nd Annual
Freedom of Religion Roundtable
March 9th, 2023 Kennesaw GA
Keynote address from Ryan Tucker
Senior Counsel, Director of the Center for Christian Ministries with Alliance Defending Freedom (adflegal.org)
We are deeply grateful to Mr. Tucker and the team at Alliance Defending Freedom for making this event possible and for their tireless effort to preserve freedom.

7th Annual
Freedom of Religion 5K
July 4th, 2023, Acworth GA
This amazing event is a collaboration of local faith communities.